Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Fiaui Family Reunion

This past week was super super fun! WE'RE IN HAWAII!!! ...and as if that weren't enough, the kids and I were able to take part in the FIRST EVER Fiaui family reunion. Our week started with a fantastic family home evening at my Uncle Fata's home, then continued with a day at the beach, followed by a day at the Polynesian Cultural Center, a family barbecue at my parent's home, and ended with a very special family meeting. I am extremely grateful to Ryan and my Mom for making it possible for us to participate in this wonderful family event. We had a lot of fun being together and making memories.

Above is my Dad and his brother and sister. On the left is my Uncle Fata, in the middle is my Aunty Manofo, and on the right is my Dad, Loia.

This is my Aunty Manofo and her daughter Fitu, and her husband Steven, and son EJ. Missing in this picture is Fitu and Steven's daughter Tayla, who I think was sleeping?!

Here is our family picture. From left to right in a round about way, here goes... Mele, my fabulous sister-in-law who is holding her oldest son Tolufale, my brother Doug who is holding their baby boy Tina'u, Me, Nicholas, Audrey, my oldest brother Jan, his daughter Anisee, son AJ, and son Amron, my Dad, my Mom who is holding Sarah, and my brother Kenneth. Missing from our picture are Ryan, Jan's wife Michelle, my brother Jas, his six kids, and my brother Justin.

This is my Uncle Fata and Aunty Sese's family. From left to right... Lani, Nani, Aunty Sese, Uncle Fata, Junior, and Ron.

And here we all are, together for the first time, at my Uncle Fata's home in Laie Hawaii, Monday, June 23, 2008.


mrs. timberlake said...

LOVED the pictures!

I especially like the one with your mom holding Sarah.

Can't wait to see you... NEXT WEEK!!!

Michelle Ashton said...

Wow! Sounds like fun! Loved the pictures. I just love family get-togethers.

Annie said...

How fun!! I am so happy that you got to go and see your family, it must be hard to not be able to see everyone as much as you would like. Have a wonderful time!!!

Jaime said...

How fun!! It's so hard growing up and moving away from family. Glad you were able to go see them! Love the pictures!

Kimm said...

Looks like a blast....Hawaii sounds fun right about now, but instead my vacation is a trip to girls camp next week!! I can't believe how big Jan's kids are..they were little tykes last time I saw them!! Love ya!!

Anonymous said...

That was so fun we went!!!! I liked the last picture because we were all in it..... although,Ididn't remember all of the pictures.