Tuesday, June 23, 2009

There are Farmers in the Dell

Here are my two hard working farmers. Ryan and Nicholas have disked, leveled, and laid pipe over the last couple of weeks to get Grandpa's field ready for irrigating. On Father's Day the boys got to irrigate for the very first time on their very first field.

I cannot tell you how excited Nicholas was to finally get to wear the irrigation boots he had been trying on every day for weeks, and you would've thought Christmas had arrived when Nicholas found out that he would get to work ALL through the night with his Dad!!!

Ryan and the kids taking a little break in the shade.

Uncle Adam got home from BYU just in time to help!


bdrain said...

I love the pictures of your family. Everyone seems so happy and excited all the time. I hope Nicholas has that same attitude in August. Good timing on Adam's part and soon you will have Kyle to help also

Sarah said...

Hey Monica! This is Sarah Bast. I just found you through Mimi and wondered if I could add you to my blog list? You all look so cute and I am so happy for you on your soon to come baby boy! Congrats!