Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sarah Ann is 3!

How this happened I really don't know.

Sarah no longer has to push an empty stroller around outside while her brother and sister ride their bikes. She's got her first set of wheels!!!

Sarah's cake of choice... A princess sprinkle cake. It doesn't get any better than this for my 3 year old!


bdrain said...

Looks like Sarah had a good birthday with lots of loot! It really is amazing how fast time goes and how quickly they grow up.

mrs. timberlake said...

HONEST, I swear... as I saw your post title... Sarah Ann is 3. I said, "How did that happen?" in my head. Only to read the next line that you wrote - hahahaha. We are so on the same wavelength.

Also, when the girls were in my womb and much much smaller, I swore to not do "the princess thing" - HA! I had no idea it's liked programmed in their little brains. I love her cake and will most likely do something very very similar in about 6 months. LOVE IT!